Wouldn’t it be great if you could get on the short lists of some of the leading sources for home care referrals, including short-term rehabilitation centers, assisted livings, and front office staff in physician offices? Wouldn’t it be even better if something about your home care agency made you stand out from the others on those lists?
Providing person-centered care can help you achieve both. However, offering person-centered care in and of itself isn’t enough to get you noticed. It is extremely difficult to get the attention of busy referral sources. And because “person-centered care” can be loosely defined, those decision makers may have a hard time distinguishing one person-centered care provider from another. To truly stand out, the business-savvy home care agency will showcase their person-centered care, both the fact that they offer it and what makes their person-centered care preferred over their competitors’.
Fortunately, there are a number of ways to achieve this to cultivate referrals, both from previous clients and through professional recommendations.