Stand out from the crowd
Stand out from the crowd by joining the CareScout Quality Network. Whether you’re a home care agency or assisted living community, we make it easier for seekers of quality, person-centered care to find you.
Providers in the CareScout Quality Network:
Connect with long-term care seekers across the nation, including more than 1 million LTC policyholders who can access our Quality Network.
Gain visibility by being recognized for quality care as part of a curated network of LTC providers committed to person-centered care.
Receive valuable data and support to help strengthen person-centered care protocols, training, and more.
When I first contacted CareScout, I got back such a positive, professional response. They said this is who we are, what we stand for, what we’re looking to do. I thought, oh, I definitely want to be a part of this.
—Guido Cubellis
President and Owner, Always Best Care of Sugarland, TX